Read Banned Books

Digital Campaign Strategy, Social Media Strategy, Merchandise

Year: 2023

Across the country, a concerted assault is underway against the fundamental right to read and learn freely. This assault severely impairs students' ability to find themselves reflected in literature and engage with authentic narratives. The right to unfettered access to diverse literature is not just a privilege—it is a fundamental right.

In an effort to galvanize our audience into action, I spearheaded the creation of engaging social media content, merchandise, and informational materials. These materials not only celebrate Mississippi's rich literary heritage but also underscore the importance of embracing banned books as a means of asserting our rights to intellectual freedom. The resulting campaign empowers our audience to proudly declare their support for banned books and the freedom to read without constraints.


To celebrate Mississippi's literary heritage and empower our audience to proudly proclaim their love for banned books, I created a line of cost-effective, engaging merchandise—a bookmark and two sticker variants—that resonated deeply with our audience.

Disseminated in school and public libraries statewide, these materials not only bolstered our brand identity but also sparked conversations about the importance of reading banned books.

Social Media Strategy



The social strategy for this campaign was centered around making a bold statement—Mississippians will not sit idly by as our right to read and learn freely is stripped away by legislators.

The social collateral was also optimized to invite conversation and engagement with our audience. As many of our followers are local to the state, tailoring messaging to center around protecting Mississippi stories and history provided a bridge from general messagingaround reading banned books to wider political engagement. We provided clear calls to action, directing our audience to pledge to protect the right to read and learn and take action in their own communities.


The Magnolia Ballot


Our Turkey Creek